Related Projects
The BlueGeneration project
The aim of the Blue Generation Project is to attract and engage young people between 15 and 29 years and, finally, convert them to pursue a sustainable career in Blue Economy in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Poland.
10 partners from four Mediterranean countries (France, Italy, Greece and Malta) worked together with students and teachers to co-create projects that inspire action towards the protection of the Mediterranean Sea.
We are Blue Schools
Focused on the region of Mallorca, the project aimed to bring environmental awareness and sustainability skills to young people in schools by teaching them Ocean Literacy.
Sea of experience
Capitalized on MENTOR’s project on Blue Career, “SEA OF EXPERIENCE” is a regionally-oriented project that aims at establishing a training/mentoring network (EMReN), for professionals and youngsters related to maritime transport, shipbuilding and ship repair, ports and the cruise industry.
Skills Beyond the Seas
The Project Skills Beyond the Seas provides seafarers and those who want to become seafarers with information and guidance for their career planning.
VALITS 2.0 aimed at helping low-skilled people and disadvantaged groups identify, improve and better use their informal transversal skills in the challenging European labour market.
Usage of Multipurpose Tasks in Maritime Simulation
UMTMS is a project that aims at improving the digital training and learning experience of students in the ship machinery field, through a real-time interactive laboratory simulation program
BlueBioTechpreneurs supports master’s students and young graduates to develop of transversal and entrepreneurial skills in the blue biotechnology sector
WIN-BIG is addressing the gender imbalance and capacity gaps across blue economy sectors in the EU to support women joining and climbing their way up the value chain
FLORES promotes the skilling process for the new jobs expected in the offshore renewable energy sector.
EU4OCEAN Coallition
The European Ocean Coalition (EU4Ocean) connects diverse organisations, projects and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean.
Help people understand their connection to the sea. Whether they live on the coast or inland, the project’s goal has been to figure out how to encourage Europeans to take a more interest in their oceans, improve their understanding and to treat them with greater respect.
Environaut developed the first curriculum for “Environmental Officer in Nautical Tourism,” now offered as a modular online course for continuous professional training in the sector.